

Autoclaves are essential for the Life Sciences Industry. The validation of sterilization cycles is critical to ensure sterility of product, components and instruments, among others.

Wireless dataloggers are the best autoclave validation technology available today. Lives International’s XpertLog® wireless data loggers optimize the calibration and setup processes. They can also reduce by half the amount of labor needed to execute a validation cycle. These loggers feature 4-wire PT-100 sensors accurate to 0.1°C that significantly reduce the measurement uncertainty and improve the calculation of accumulated lethality, or F-value,over that of thermocouple-based systems. The XpertLog® software calculates the accumulated lethality delivered in a cycle and compares results to acceptance criteria easily configured following applicable standards such as EN 285 and ISO 17665 to produce a pass or fail result. This reduces human error in the interpretation of results and ensures data integrity.

The presence of saturated steam is crucial to ensure the efficacy of a moist heat sterilization cycle. When a XpertLog® pressure logger is used, our software can calculate and report whether the steam used in a sterilization cycle achieved saturation.

Lives International offers a wide range of dataloggers and accessories to suit your specific autoclave validation needs.

Contact us today to assist you with the best solution for your thermal validation needs.

Products suitable for Autoclaves validation:

Temperature Data logger with flexible sensor

standard data logger gmp f

Temperature Data logger Low profile with flexible sensor

standard data logger gmp f lp

Stopper washer temperature data logger with rigid sensor

standard data logger gmp sw

temperature data logger with rigid sensor

standard data logger gmp

Temperature and pressure data logger with rigid sensor

standard data logger gmp tp

temperature and pressure data logger with flexible sensor

standard data logger gmp tp f

real time wireless temperature data logger with flexible sensor

wireless data logger gmp rf f

real time wireless data logger low profile with flexible sensor

wireless data logger gmp rf f lp

Real time wireless temperature data logger with 5 flexible sensors

wireless data logger gmp rf 5f

high temperature real time wireless data logger with 5 flexible sensor

wireless data logger gmp rf 5f ht

real time wireless temperature data logger with flexible sensor

wireless data logger gmp rf f 10rA

real time wireless temperature data logger with flexible sensor

wireless data logger gmp rf f 30h

real time wireless temperature data logger with rigid sensor

wireless data logger gmp rf

real time temperature and pressure data logger with rigid sensor

wireless data logger gmp rf tp

real time wireless temperature and pressure with flexible sensor

wireless data logger gmp rf tp f

matryoshka real time wireless temperature data logger with flexible sensor

wireless data logger gmp rf f mtr